La Finquita

Organic and Biodynamic Practices

Our Selection Of Seeds For 2025
We only offer seeds from the plants that grow healthy and well on our own land, and we are constantly looking for plants that are adapted to our region and offer value to our ecosystems and livelihood.
This year we are happy to add to our collection plants with a variety of qualities, for food, medicine and dyes. We are also proud that Owen from Annappolis Seed has adopted our rare open pollinated delicious Gold cherry tomato, originally given to us by Carol Faulise from Wallace more than 28 years ago. This precious Gold tomato is also being protected by the Bauta Foundation by storing seeds in the Seed Bank in Truro.
Wild Plants for Urban Gardens
What about a wild look in the urban garden? An unusual garden that would host bees, insects and butterflies. What about plants that "grow" worms, and then the birds come to pick them up and feed their young? Isn't it crazy to grow plants that would attract and produce worms? The Butter and Eggs, and we have her. And working to find more plants, please let me know if you find wormy plants, I am interested.
And please check our selection of wild plants, would be beautiful in a city landscape. And remember that...
Most wild plants are very prolific and their seeds can last a long time in the soil before they germinate. They produce two kinds of seeds; some that will germinate the following year, and others that will remain dormant in the soil until the conditions are such that the presence of the plant is needed for healing the soil. Keep this in mind as you plant them, germination is slower and less than what we are used to. Also, some seeds are harder to germinate as they need a cool treatment, and therefore it is best to plant them outside in the Fall rather than indoor flats in the Spring.
As a general rule when planting wild plant seeds (specially the tiny ones), just scatter the seeds around and do not cover them, as most seeds need light to germinate.

Sales, swaps, community projects and partnerships
We are always interested in swapping seeds with other seed growers, as well as offering our seeds for gardeners interested in field testing them. We donate seeds for school gardens, community projects and seed libraries. If you are interested, please write to...
You can order seeds by filling the form at the bottom of the page
Our selection of seeds for 2025
Medicinals, Native Pollinators and Dye Plants
Agrimony. Arnica, Heal All, Butterfly Milkweed (Pleurisy root), Calendula, Dyers Broom, Elecampane, Feverfew, Fleabane Daisy, Golden Margueritte, Horehound, Heartease, Marshmellow, Melilot (Yellow Sweet Clover). Mullein, Purple Coneflower (Echinacea), Skullcap, Tulsi (Sacred Basil) and Vervain.
Cold Hardy Greens (special double packet)
Arugula (Rocket), Coriander (Cilantro), Corn Salad (Mache), Claytonia, Curled Cress, Mustard Red Giant, Peppergrass.
Wild Edibles and Herbs
Speedy Arugula, Cut celery, Garlic Chives, Genovese Basil, Herba Stella (Minutina Plantain), Evening Primrose, Lamb's Quarters, Nettle, Sweet Fennel (P), Turkish Rocket.
Cold Hardy Greens
Arugula or Rocket (Eruca sativa). Claytonia or Miners Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata). Coriander (Coriandrum sativum). Corn Salad or Mache (Valerianela locusta). Curly Endive (Chichorium endivia) . Cutting Celery or Par-Cel (Apium graveolens). Garden Sorrel (Rumex acetosa). Mustard Red Giant (Brassica juncea). Peppergrass or Curled cress (Lepidium sativum Crispum).


Bo in Arugula Bed
Culinary, Pollinators and Medicinal Plants
All Heal (Prunella vulgaris). Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum). Avens (Geum urbanum) Daisy Fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus). Garlic Chives (Allium tuberosum). Feverfew (Tenacetum parthenium). Marshmallow (Althaea offinalis). Pleurisy Root (Asclepsia tuberosa). Valerian (Valeriana officinalis).

Wild Edibles
Chickweed (Stellaria media). Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis). Lamb’s Quarters (Chenopodium album, L). Broad leaf Plantain (Plantago major). Purslane (Portulaca oleracea). Sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella). Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica).

Border Plants to attract butterflies and pollinators
Avens (Geum macrophyllum). Oxeye Daisy (Chrisanthemum leucanthemum). Daisy Fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus). Echinacea or Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea). Mullein. (Verbascum Thapsus). Pleurisy Root or Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa). Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare). Yarrow (Achillea millefolium).

Wild plants in the orchard and for soil protection and rehabilitation
Birdsfoot Trifoil (Lotus corniculatus). Buttercup (Ranunculus spp). Curly Dock (Rumex crispus). Fragant bedstraw (Galium triflorum). Golden Rod (Solidago sp). Lupins (Lupinus perennis). Vetch (Vicia americana).

Order Seeds (Canada only)
Our seeds are $3.00/packet and $5.00 for double packets.
To place an order, please write your selection of seeds in the form below. We accept cheques and email transfers. I will contact you directly confirming your order and the amount.
In the Maritime Region, we donate seeds to school gardens and community seed banks or libraries. For more information, please contact me directly through our contact us section of the website.